Features Overview


BAsil & green apple salad dressing

Sounds weird, right? Absolutely delicious!

1/2 green apple

1 cup of fresh basil

1 clove of garlic, minced

juice of 1 lime

1 small sprig of rosemary-about an inch long

1/2 cup of olive oil

dash of kelp flakes

pinch of sea salt

Marinate the garlic in the lime juice for about 20 min.

Then combine it all in a food processor/bullet and blend. I use this on just about everything but it is especially nice on the carrot and sprout salad.

magical mystical salad dressing

Now when you read the ingredient list you might say wtf. Trust me, it is straight up delicious and packed full of nutrients!

1/3 cup fresh oregano

1/2 cup fresh basil

1 Tablespoon of wild blueberry juice concentrate

1/2 teaspoon green superfood

1/2 t chlorella

3/4 cup of olive oil

1 Tablespoon spicy brown mustard

1 Tablespoon coconut aminos

2 Tablespoons hemp seeds

Juice of one lime

1 small clove of minced garlic

Marinate the garlic in the lime while you put everything else in blender/bullet. Then add the garlic and lime juice and blend again. What you have here are a plethora of foods to nourish your body and help make you more alkaline. Be sure to store it in the fridge and just take out a few minutes before using. I honestly debate drinking it as a smoothie.

Spicy pumpkin seed dressing

Love this!

1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil

3 Tablespoons of sprouted organic pumpkin seeds

1/2 teaspoon of chipotle lime seasoning (whole spice online).

1 teaspoon of kelp

Blend and enjoy. You can easily use this as a dressing for practically anything. If it’s too spicy for you then just reduce the spice mixture of substitute for another one,