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Konjac ORZO with brussel sprouts and thyme pesto

Jennifer you asked so here it is.

1 cup of cooked konjac orzo cooked

1 cup of shredded brussel sprouts

1/2 cup of thyme pesto (see recipe in sauces and marinades)

Combine in a bowl and enjoy hot or cold. My body feels better with heated food (easier to digest as enzymes have already started to break down. Raw is not best if you don’t digest it properly).

I order the konjac orzo on Amazon. It feeds your good gut bacteria as it is a soluable fiber. If you’d like to read more there is actually a blog post on it.

cannellini beans with tomato and basil

This is super easy and one of my lunch staples. I always keep these delicious beans on hand. Personally I find white beans much easier to digest than brown or purple ones.

1 package of organic cannellini beans

1 organic tomato

1/3 cup chopped basil

olive oil

sea salt

Mix the ingredients together in a bowl, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt or kelp granules.

If you like what you read please comment on the xsmena instagram pages.

salmon with broccoli and cauliflower rice

So I’m a huge fan of Saladmaster cookware as it is non toxic. I’ve used it for years (if you’d like a great saladmaster salesperson dm me).

Place salmon fillets broccoli and riced cauliflower all in the saladmaster with enough water to cover about 1/4 inch of the bottom of the electric skillet. Season to your taste. Place the lid on, set temperature to 225. Let it simmer for about 20 minutes. Please do check the water level about 10 minutes in. This is a dish HEAVY in detoxifying sulphur foods. If you’re clearing heavy metals this is great. I recommend you add a parsley pesto (yes, it’s on the sauce and marinade page). Plus if it’s all plain it’s going to be boring. Boring does not encourage you to stay on track so have fun with your food!