

Proper nutrition is crucial to one’s well-being. The recipes you will find on these pages are designed to help you feel better and improve your bowel function. If a recipe has ingredients you know don’t feel good in your body, please change the ingredients or find another option.

The recipes on this page will change.


Nectarine & Raspberry Smoothie

4 ripe organic nectarines

1 cup of frozen raspberries

1 head of romaine lettuce

2 tablespoons of hemp seeds

1 teaspoon of flaxseeds (presoaked)

Enough almond milk for your desired consistency.

Blend and enjoy!

Another option is to add your collagen to the smoothie too.

Dragon Fruit Smoothie

So if you’ve read RELEASE then you know I speak about Vitamin C to help you get bowel movements. This smoothie is full of vitamin C.

1 dragon fruit with the insides scooped into the blender

1 cup of fresh strawberries

2 tablespoons hemp seeds

Juice of one lime

approximately 2 cups of plant milk

Place all ingredients in the blender and enjoy. This smoothie is super refreshing and delicious!

Green Apple Juice

7 green apples

5 stalks of celery

2 limes

When you juice this combination it is really delicious and easy to drink!

Another variation of this is to add 2 carrots. This was on my first instagram video. It is absolutely the juice I make the most!