Guided Cleanses

Cleansing and detoxification are big buzz words for the past few years. There is so much more to cleansing that going on a juice fast. Different health conditions require different approaches. Often I get people contacting me who are a mess because they are cleansing-the wrong way for their body. If you are not functioning at optimum level then chances are a cleanse will help you. However, going about it the wrong way can EASILY make you feel much worse than better. Cleansing requires preparation.

Think of a cleanse as connecting the intricate structure inside you like in the photo to the left. It’s important to look at all the pieces not just the individual parts. This is why tailoring a cleanse to your body is important. It has to be nurturing and supportive, leaving you in a better place than you started. Too may times I’ve seen people undertaking extreme cleanses too harsh for their current situation. Instead of feeling better they are weak, depleted and often times in much worse shape than before.

This happens because a cleanse can release toxins into your body, especially if your bowel is functioning sub-optimally. Preparation and support are crucial to your success. Allow us to guide you in the right cleanse for you.