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Sauces and Marinades

You will find a theme here. I am a HUGE fan of using seeds in my pesto. They add an amazing texture and flavor along with other dietary benefits. There is a blog on seeds if you’re interested.


Parsley pesto

Parsley is great for helping to detox heavy metals. I’m throwing in a bit or chlorella too for liver support and it’s binding properties for heavy metal removal.

1 cup of organic parsley

1 clove of garlic

1 lemon, juiced

1/4 cup of olive oil

1/4 cup of avocado oil

1/2 teaspoon of chlorella

Pink himalayan sea salt to taste

I start by blending the garlic and lemon juice and allow it to sit for roughly 20 minutes. This help take the bite out of the garlic and makes it easy to digest if like me, garlic is challenging for my digestive system. After this time combine all other ingredients, blend and enjoy. This will keep for a few days and you can use it on basically anything. I like it with the salmon, broccoli and riced cauliflower dish as those foods are sulphur rich. Combined this is a great combination for heavy metal removal. Make sure you are making the flax seed smoothie from my book so that you have additional binders (the flax seed) and keep your digestive system moving things out of your body.

basil pesto

Tried and true but without dairy as basil is highly inflammatory so why mess that up adding an inflammatory ingredient?

1 cup of organic basil

1/3 cup of pumpkin seeds (sometimes I use sunflower seeds instead)

1 clove of garlic

1 lemon juiced

1 clove of garlic

1/4 cup olive oil

1/4 cup avocado oil

I start by blending the garlic and lemon juice and allow it to sit for roughly 20 minutes. This help take the bite out of the garlic and makes it easy to digest if like me, garlic is challenging for my digestive system. After this time combine all other ingredients, blend and enjoy.

thyme pesto

One of my personal favorites. The pumpkin seeds make this an anti-parasitic dish too. The shilajit is mineral rich and is great for boosting immunity.

This is the recipe from the instagram video (yes, I know, I need to do something with my hair in the future, thanks)

1 cup of fresh organic thyme

1/3 cup of pumpkin seeds

1/4 cup of olive oil

1/4 cup of avodado oil

1/4 teaspoon of shilajit powder

kelp granules to taste or use sea salt

Blend and enjoy.